The Foreign Education of Abel

This book describes what I learned during our travels in Vanuatu, an archipelago of 84 islands, where 120 languages are spoken. Join me and be transformed by the warmth and wisdom of the people.

12-year-old Abel invites you to walk in his flip-flops as he leaves his tribal home for the first time on a cargo ship to go to boarding school. Here, in the jungles of the South Pacific, he has to fight not only for knowledge but for food, acceptance, and friendship. Meanwhile, a proposal for a new business on his island may threaten his clan's very existence. Thanks to what he's learning about himself and the world around him, he discovers how to become the leader his community will need.

Published by: Read To Discover
Release Date: December 12, 2019
Series: Discover Remote Places
Pages: 110
ISBN: 978-1-9507243-3-8


Thank you to Raul Touzon, a Nat Geo photographer, who kindly shared many of his pictures with me. I am honored to be able to showcase them in this book. He invites budding photographers to photo courses and workshops in exciting locales.


Praise for The Foreign Education of Abel

“I looked through this book, at every picture, and then I read the narrative from beginning to end and was captivated. I often judge a book on whether it teaches me something, opens a window to another world, uplifts me in some way and if too, it pulls at my heart strings. The story told through the words of young Abel spurred me on. More than once this coming-of-age tale brought tears to my eyes. An excellent read for people of all ages.”Pat and Rosemarie Keough, Explorers Club, Canada

“Twelve year old Abel is a hunter and gatherer in the mountains of Vanuatu, on the island of Ambae. He is chosen to continue schooling on faraway Pentecost Island. A bare-bones cargo ship takes him to a "foreign education", in a foreign country and a foreign language.
When he returns home, he is challenged to prove what he has learned in school to promote unity in his village and between tribes on the island. Wonderfully descriptive of life in a different culture and country. A story tenderly, and compassionately told!” — Jean Whitehouse, Switzerland

“What an interesting look into Vanuatu family and tribal life! This touching story highlights how different life can be from anything we know. It made me realize that despite different backgrounds we all have one thing in common: we all need love, friends and a place we belong to. Wonderful book for young readers but not only. I thoroughly enjoyed to submerge myself into a different world by reading this valuable book.” — Brigitte Frey, Spain

I was there! This book brought back memories and many forgotten moments that made me love the people and their country. Their humble, friendly attitude mixed with brotherly respect and love for their neighbors and countrymen was brought back to life for me in this short story. Abel's challenges as he leaves his island to go to secondary school on another island, combined with his coming of age issues also made me remember my 'issues' at that time in my life. This fictionalized biography opens up Vanuatu both for others coming of age...and for older readers who would like to gain an excellent understanding about this far-away country and her people. M.R.J. USA


“A journey is best measured in friends rather than in miles.”